Now ...
Years later, I'm in a different phase of life where I've already walked a lot of the life path.
I've lived the more carefree young adult years that were followed by the busy middle years of juggling parenting and working, sprinkled with life crises, curve balls, and upheavals. Now, I know myself so much better. As well, I've also learned to trust myself. |
My therapeutic lens is informed by many roadmaps including attachment-based and developmental trauma theories. These theories offer insight to understand our relationships with others and ourselves as center to how we navigate and get our needs met in this world.
These roadmaps and perspectives form the framework for gaining new awareness which helps to guide you through the process of understanding your thoughts, emotions, and struggles. Gaining awareness is one of the first steps to support personal healing and for navigating growth.
As we learn about your life, I can help you gain a new and deeper understanding of your past, the roles caregivers played in your development, your core wounds, what needs were unmet, how you created adaptations & defenses to cope and how this may be impacting your present struggles.
After a decade of sitting with clients in sessions, what I have experienced and come to know is that theories alone are not the answer for healing. The reason is that a purely clinical and tactical approach does not encompass your full humanness and experiences.
I believe that therapy needs to include your whole being, mind, body, emotions, and the unique and soulful individual that you are. Therapy is not meant to 'fix' you; it is meant to help you find you. Above all else, I will listen to your story and provide therapy that is best suited to you. Ultimately, the work of a therapist lies in the ability to sit with someone in their difficult, dark, lost places bearing witness to what is trying to unfold. |