I'm not a fan of the phrase "self-care." It's not about the meaning or act of taking care of the self that's the issue but, instead, it's about the way the phrase sounds. It doesn't sound like something enticing or fun to do. Instead, it sounds more like a chore.
Most of us know that taking care of ourselves is extremely important in so many ways - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It's one of the foundational pieces needed to create a healthy relationship with yourself. And, the relationship you have with yourself affects E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G in your life. So, instead I've chosen to use the phrase self-goodness. It even sounds more enjoyable. Give it a try ... say 'self-care' and notice how the "r" sounds harsh. Then, say 'self-goodness' which not only has the word 'good' in it but notice how the "s" sound is softer and actually makes your mouth smile. Right? Self-goodness, the new self-care. Maybe give it a try? |